Francois de Witt

Well-constructed woods

"Into the Woods'' (acrylic on canvas), by Francis Domec, in his show "The Purring of the Soul,'' at Galatea Fine Art, Boston, March 1-29.

"Into the Woods'' (acrylic on canvas), by Francis Domec, in his show "The Purring of the Soul,'' at Galatea Fine Art, Boston, March 1-29.

He says: ''{M}y paintings utilize abstract optical illusion....With my cubes, straight lines, rectangles and rounded shapes, I also invent a new reality....{P}hilosopher and writer Francois de Witt...mentions in one of his books that when his soul was happy he had the pure sensation that his heart was 'purring' like cat having a pure bliss. I like the idea and used it for the title of my exhibit.''