Kim Jong-un

Sony has made us all more unsafe by withdrawing film


Here's the trailer and some other promotional information about the comedy, The Interview, about an attempt to kill the murderous pervert Kim Jong-un,  the dictator who runs North Korea. He is the third in  a dynastic succession of a depraved Communist royalty.

Sadly, Sony, by succumbing to this gangster regime's threats and by withdrawing the movie from distribution, has made us all more unsafe and eroded our freedoms.

Let us hope, however, that it gets out on the Internet.

Meanwhile, I would not be at all surprised to learn that hackers associated with the Chinese and/or Russian dictatorships have facilitated Kim's cyber-terrorism.


-- Robert Whitcomb


Kim the killer knows our cyber-weakness

Consider the implications of the North Korea cyber-assault on Sony and  its  threats of killing those who would go see a Sony movie The Interview, a James Franco–Seth Rogen comedy about killing the perverted, homicidal (runs in his odorous Communist family dynasty)   dictator Kim Jong-un, One is obvious -- that the U.S. must do everything it can to undermine  -- ''terminating'' would be best  -- Kim and his flunkies.

Another is  that the cyber-terrorism is yet another reminder that we do too much on computers and not enough face to face. No computer system is safe from criminals such as Kim. Because computers make it easier to lay off employees or cut their wages and make things go faster (0ften pointlessly), we've migrated onto them at an increasing loss of security, privacy and real human contact.

We've made ourselves  far too vulnerable. I'd suggest we stop using credit cards, PayPal, online banking and the like so much and return as much as possible to cash and paper checks. We could also make more of an effort to actually go talk to people instead of sending them emails and texting them every five minutes, in what has become mass mental illness.

How much courage can even a huge company like Sony summon in the face of barbarism, expressed in various creative ways by ISIS or North Korea? They must be convinced that civilized nations will do all they can to confront these terrorists.

Will this perhaps otherwise banal comedy find a life outside movie theaters, on TV and the Web (of all places!), now that it's gotten such publicity? Something good could come out of this then.


--- Robert Whitcomb




Giving the dictatorships a pass

Why do people defending Edward Snowden and denouncing the National Security Agency seem to have nary a word about the cyber-attacks  and physical threats by the murderous North Korean regime meant to disrupt the showing of a  Sony movie about depraved dictator Kim Jong-un? And why do they say nothing about the cyber-attacks and Internet spying by the milder but  very corrupt and bigger dictatorships Russia and China?


Maybe it's because these hypocrites fear North Korea, China and Russia but don't fear a democratic and infinitely more humane nation like the United States. The double standard remains staggering.


-- Robert Whitcomb