Marcia Wise

In the 'in between'

“Ascending’’ (oil on panel), by Samantha Morris, at Fountain Street galleries, Boston, through Nov. 25 in her joint show with Marcia Wise (some of whose work can be seen below.)

“Ascending’’ (oil on panel), by Samantha Morris, at Fountain Street galleries, Boston, through Nov. 25 in her joint show with Marcia Wise (some of whose work can be seen below.)

Fountain Street says:

”Samantha Morris focuses on the idea of an individual traveling through a space; exploring place through architecture and landscape, abstracted through line, shadow pattern, contrast, and negative space. She is interested in dynamics, what can and can’t be seen. The seemingly mundane aspects of everyday life, one light shining through the square of a window frame, or the corner of a plant casting shadow on glass. Influenced by photography and film, her work investigates the stillness of night; the frozen moments before something happens. It exists in the ‘in between’, the time when your eyes adjust to the contrast of natural illuminated light and the depth of darkness. Samantha feels immersed, traveling through such spaces. Each of her pieces has reference to an environment, while existing in its own space.’’

Marcia Wise art and video below


A short documentary on Marcia Wise.