
'Unexpected forms'

“Deli bag and lottery ticket (Gutter Punk with his dogs)’’ (watercolor monoprint), by Stella Ebner, in her show “And & With,’’ at Cade Tompkins Projects, Providence, Nov. 16-Dec. 21.The gallery says: “‘And & With’’ features screen prints, wa…

“Deli bag and lottery ticket (Gutter Punk with his dogs)’’ (watercolor monoprint), by Stella Ebner, in her show “And & With,’’ at Cade Tompkins Projects, Providence, Nov. 16-Dec. 21.

The gallery says: “‘And & With’’ features screen prints, water-based woodblock prints and watercolor monoprints, exploring the inherent qualities of printmaking to examine how imagery in our society is created and conveyed within the context of a deep appreciation for the moments that are left outside the picture frame - the overlooked, the forgotten.

“In the screen prints, Ebner is interested in pushing the boundaries of the medium by overlapping multiple transparent pigments that build to form the whole. The distinctive overlay of color and imagery that printmaking allows, gives rise to new and unexpected forms and relationships.’’