oped RWhitcomb-editor oped RWhitcomb-editor

Grab as much as you can!

GoLocal Providence has just done a story on state and localgovernment pay in Rhode Island. In a nation where greed is running so rampant in the upper echelons of the private sector, perhaps that those in public sector follow suit is no surprise.

Consider this from GoLocal:

#1 Vincent J. D'Ambra

Department: Fire

Position: Fire Rescue Captain

Total Compensation: $218,145.27


Base: $68,762.44

Longevity: $7,290.03

Overtime: $116,356.94

Detail: $0.00

Benefits (City Contributions)

Medical: $14,789.32

Dental: $1,299.74

Pension: $9,646.80

Note on Detail Pay: Details are normally funded by the private parties that require it. But some detail pay is funded directly by the city. Payroll data provided by the city Law Department does not distinguish between the two.

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