New England Diary

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'The Wall' and fireflies

"The Wall'' at Hampton Beach, N.H.

Resting on Hampton Beach on a quiet September day.

“When the summer days end, the beauty of New England does not. Summer nights are arguably the best time of day. At the end of the day, we enjoy the most beautiful sea breeze. I’ve spent so many nights wrapped in a sweatshirt on the porch, counting the fireflies lighting up the yard. This weather also makes for the perfect bonfire. If we’re not at “The Wall, ‘‘ {in Hampton Beach, N.H.) it’s very likely that someone will have a fire in his/her yard. If you haven’t huddled up to a fire with your best friends, then I recommend doing so this summer (just make sure someone brings the ingredients for s’mores!).’’

— Abigail Loffredo, from her “New England Summers are the BEST Summers’’