New England Diary

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Is it worth it?

—Map by Kelisi


Adapted from Robert Whitcomb’s “Digital Diary,’’ in

“Yet each man kills the thing he loves….”

-- Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), Anglo-Irish playwright and poet

Poor old Cape Cod, once rural and now exurban and suburban.

There’s not enough money at the moment to replace the old (from the 1930s) and too narrow Sagamore and Bourne bridges. And pollution from septic systems, fertilizers and pesticides (lawns and golf courses are major sources) kills life in many freshwater ponds. There are 42 golf courses on the skinny glorified sand bar we call Cape Cod!

What to do? Year-round passenger-train service to reduce car traffic to and fro and on the peninsula? (This would be via the charming railroad bridge over the Cape Cod Canal.)  A Barnstable County-wide bond issue to pay to extend sewerage? Close some golf courses