New England Diary

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'Afrofuturist aesthetic'


"Coast Cosmos'' (archival pigment prints, wood frames), by TODD GRAY, in his show "Caliban in the Mirror: Exquisite Terribleness,'' at the Samson Gallery, Boston, May 1-June 13.

The gallery says:

"Gray’s transcontinental studio practice is informed by cultural hybridity, body politics, and global pop culture. Pulling from his archive of documentary images taken in Ghana, and photographs taken as personal photographer to Michael Jackson in the 80’s, Gray produces temporal and spatial schisms by juxtaposing decontextualized images in overlapping, found frames in low relief compositions. In afrofuturist aesthetic, he combines sculpture and photography to create ambiguous 'third' objects that provide the viewers with a multiplicity of perspectives of layered space and time that aid in problematizing singularity.''



May 1 - June 13

Artist Reception: May 1st from 6 to 8pm