New England Diary

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WHOI vehicle uses robotic arm to take sample on seabottom

From The New England Council (

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) used a recently developed hybrid vehicle to take the first sample from the sea bottom by a robotic arm.

The vehicle, Nereid Under Ice (NUI), was operated remotely by scientists off the coast of Greece to explore an active submarine volcano, as part of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Planetary Science and Technology from Analog Research (PSTAR) interdisciplinary research program. Only slightly smaller than a Smart Car, NUI used artificial intelligence to determine which sites to visit and when to take samples autonomously. NUI is one of the first results of a larger push for automation technology, with further developments promising results in not only independent ocean research, but for NASA’s work in exploring other planets.

“For a vehicle to take a sample without a pilot driving it was a huge step forward,” says Rich Camilli, an associate scientist at WHOI leading the development of automation technology. “One of our goals was to toss out the joystick, and we were able to do just that.”