New England Diary

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‘Humble observer of the world’

“The Air We Breathe” (oil on canvas), by Bernardson, Mass.-based artist Cameron Schmitz, in her show, “The Space Between,’’ at Kingston Gallery, Boston, May 3-28.

The gallery says:

“Painting is a metaphor for Cameron Schmitz’s perception of life, where she explores the  inspiration of tender relationships, and the wonder and despair of being a woman, mother, working artist, and humble observer of the world. Working primarily in the mode of intuitive abstraction, Schmitz has discovered how a painting can create space for both an understanding of life and the valuable admission of not knowing. Her approach to abstract painting is informed by a background in both landscape and figurative painting.”

This building, now housing the Bernardson Historical Society, was formerly the home of the historically important educational institution called The Powers Institute.