New England Diary

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In the time of textile mills

Massachusetts National Guardsmen with fixed bayonets surround a parade of strikers during 1912 Lawrence textile strike

“It is a long time since I flapped mv wings,

a long time since I stood on the roof of my house

in Lawrence, Mass., or Michael's in No. Andover,

a little whiskey in one hand, the past slipping

through the other, a little closer to the heaven of

dreams ….

“From where we stood I could see the steeple of the French
church. Further back, it was 1912, and I could almost
see the tenements of the French women who worked

the fabric mills …

weaving the deadly dust into their lungs….’’

— From “The Angels of 1912 and 1972,’’ by Richard Jackson

Distribution of French Canadians in the U.S. Census