Don’t try this in Florida

“At Home with the Devil (acrylic on canvas), by Marshall Moyer, in his show “Inappropriate,’’ at Galatea Fine Art, Boston, through July 2

The gallery says:

“Moyer’s representational art explores situations, both real and imagined, evoking strong emotional responses that serve as social commentary.’’

The artist says:

"Ultimately, it is my job to give you something new to see. Even a negative response, if visceral and raw, is considered a victory. I behold the world around me with a dark and cynical wit, like a battered subway car careening through the 21st century with faulty brakes. All I ask is a view through a window not clouded, smudged or streaked with fingerprints, and I hope I can still be amazed through eyes wide open.’’

#Marshall Moyer

#Galatea Fine Art