Arts Club of Washington

Creepy Thomas Street

"Dream Work of Thomas Street'' (acrylic on panel), by SHAWN KENNEY.

He was one of three  Providence Art Club artist members selected for prizes in the recent "Rhode Island Eerie'' show, whose guiding spirit was the late (and to me boring) horror writer H.P. Lovecraft, whose gravestone in beautiful Swan Point Cemetery has etched on it: "I AM PROVIDENCE''.  Sure hope he isn't.

The building represented here is part of the  multi-building Providence Art Club, which borders much of Thomas Street on Providence's College Hill.

These art clubs founded in the Gilded Age of the late 19th Century, such as this one and the National Arts Club, on Gramercy Park, in Manhattan, and the Arts Club of Washington, are exotic works of social art in themselves, with curious mixtures of eccentric artists, socialites and businesspeople.