George Pataki

What about Pataki?

gop Cartoon from

Why don't more people pay attention to a person you'd think would be a major GOP presidential hopeful  -- former  three-term New York Gov. George Pataki, a very successful chief executive of a very big state?

He's running for president, but  New Jersey's Chris Christie, a not very successful governor, gets about 95 percent of the attention from those who think that  a Northeast Republican could actually win the nomination of a party now mostly run from the South.

--- Robert Whitcomb



Pataki a fine candidate, but for....

  Former New York Gov. George Pataki, who was very successful in his three terms running the Empire State, is running for  the 2016 Republican presidential nomination -- finally.

This amiable and very smart politician and administrator might be a fine president, but his nomination seems impossible in the current version of the Republican Party.

Too bad.