Chief Ricci's suicide and other Cianci regime history
“'During the screenings outside of RI, in New York for instance, there were more gasps and audible reactions where people who didn’t know Buddy’s story were, I think, shocked by some of what happens, like the police chief [Robert E. Ricci] committing suicide [in 1978] and the assault details,' she notes. “'Outside of RI, lots of people ask during the Q&A why he was able to run for mayor again as a convicted felon. They’re very curious about that.”'
Then there are the sweetheart pension deals and running City Hall as a criminal operation. But, hey!, nobody's perfect! The heavy price of statesmanship!
As H.L. Mencken's line goes:
Soothing to see if not smell
"Shimmer'' (pastel), by LIZ HAYWOOD-SULLIVAN, at the Art Complex Museum, in Duxbury, Mass.
New England's salt marshes are soothing to look at, if not necessarily to smell, especially in the summer. In any cases they clean coastal waters and act as vast protein factories because of the fish and shellfish they nurture.
'Lame Deer' and 'culled' ones
"Lame Deer (Big Eagle)'' (oil on French linen), by ROBERT S. NEUMAN, in the "Robert S. Neuman: Lame Deer Series,'' at the Art Complex Museum, Duxbury, Mass., Feb. 23-May 18.
Soon there will be many fewer deer on Block Island, as a Connecticut firm is being brought in to "cull'' the herd, whose population, and that of the deer ticks that carry Lyme disease, have swollen. Brutal world.