Place and experience

“Our Time Here Is Brief”(monotype with gold foil), by Lynn Brofsky, at the Boston Printmakers 2023 North American Print Biennial, through Dec. 9.

She says:

“As the years go by, my images and subjects shift, mediums and techniques change and grow; I have found that more than anything, the driving force in my work is the relationship between place and human experience.

“I grew up in Colorado, where family road trips from Denver took us out to areas of farmland, mesas, deserts and forgotten towns populated with skeletal relics of industry. Embedded with ghosts of what they once were, their energy always spoke to me. This is what I come back to, our fragile existence, the way we relate, love, isolate and abandon ourselves and the places we live in.

“Moved by the sensuality of the human figure, asymmetry, architecture, landscape, growth and decay, and perceived connections, I attempt to relate my stories, my own narrative of contrasts.’’