New England Diary

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New England getting more goats

Milking a goat

Getting Their Goats

I spend quite a lot of time in rural upland New England, and have seen an increase in the number of farmers supplementing or even replacing the revenue from dairy cows and beef cattle with that from goats raised for their milk. The milk,  and the cheese and yogurt made from it, is healthier for you than cows’ milk. And goats  require less food and make fewer demands on the environment, including releasing  less methane than cows. Further, they’re highly efficient at keeping land open; yes, goats really  do feast on stuff that cows won’t touch.

Further, they’re much more entertaining: They have stronger  personalities  than cows. And look at the baby goat craze!

Please hit this link.

Goats are remarkably agile; some will climb trees to browse.

— Photo by Elgaard