New England Diary

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Turbine installation vessel to be used for 2 wind farms south of New England

A turbine installation vessel

From The New England Council (

Eversource and Ørsted reached an agreement to charter the first American-made turbine installation vessel, for two adjacent wind farms that the two companies are developing between Long Island, N.Y., and Martha’s Vineyard.

The $500 million vessel, being built by a consortium led by Dominion Energy in a Texas shipyard, will enable Eversource and Ørsted to be the first wind farm developers to use a ship that is qualified under the Jones Act to install offshore turbines. The ship, which can carry up to six turbines at one time, is expected to be ready by the end of 2023.

“Our competitors will be forced to use a feeder barge,” Eversource CEO Joe Nolan said. “That’s why this is a game-changer for us.”

The New England Council applauds both Eversource and Ørsted for this innovative initiative. Read more from the Boston Globe.