New England Diary

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Philip K. Howard: Start rebuilding America's crumbling infrastructure now

This from our friend Philip K. Howard, who runs Common Good, a reform group:

American voters have rejected the ways of Washington. The challenge is to channel that populist force for positive change.  
Here are two initiatives that could enjoy broad support:
1. Start rebuilding infrastructure now. Trump is committed to this, as are Democratic leaders, but he will be stymied unless Congress passes a simple bill creating clear lines of authority to make needed decisions.  Otherwise projects will languish in bureaucracy for years as experts write foot-thick reports. (See Common Good’s report “Two Years, Not Ten Years”). The upside here is YUGE: Cut costs in half, build a greener footprint, and create 1.5 million new jobs.
2. Begin simplifying government. Red tape is choking America, including government itself. Trump should announce a new approach to regulating: Simplify law into goals and principles, so that it is understandable and people have room to use their common sense. He should also appoint an outside commission to recommend radically simplified structures. Governing sensibly is impossible in today’s red tape jungle. 

If you agree, pass this note along. We have a vision to reconnect Washington to the rest of America.

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