New England Diary

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Gaze at the greening

From Robert Whitcomb’s “Digital Diary,’’ in

“I’m not sure why I touched it.

A crocus tip can be more dazzling,

And a boy would rather throw dice

Or marbles than be soft-hearted.’’

-- From “Last Patch of Snow,’’ by George Abbe (1911-89), a New England poet and novelist

Back in the ‘80s, the French still sometimes used a macabre phrase about lovely weather that translates to “the most beautiful weather since 1940.’’ That’s in reference to the lovely late spring of that year, which helped the Germans invade France and commence their homicidal plus-four-year occupation. I think of that when walking around and admiring the tree buds opening and the flowers that have been blooming so early this year after our mild and nearly snowless winter.  Beautiful wild nature and not-so-beautiful wild nature (e.g., viruses) meets human nature. Not that nature cares one way or another.

Enjoy gazing at the slowly greening grass. Green is a soothing color.