Will entertain for food
The Absolute II Cardinal Bird Feeder
From Robert Whitcomb’s “Digital Diary’’ in GoLocal24.com
This winter, I’d like one big nightime snowstorm, preferably with high winds (creating gorgeous drifts) and silent lightning, in which one could tramp along the roads in muffled magic. No traffic. Then, bright and early the next day, I’d like all the snow to evaporate in an hour, without congealing into a frozen mess, and the crocuses to commence popping. But wait! We’re better off letting the snow melt gradually into the water table
We fill bird feeders in the winter not so much to feed the birds per se as to bring them close to us so we can enjoy their colors (e.g., cardinals) and movement, to strengthen our sense that we’re part of Mother Nature and to tell ourselves we’re helping to keep beautiful creatures alive, as marginal as are the benefits of bird feeders. (Keeping cats indoors, where they can’t kill birds, is better.)
Our day after day of clammy, cloudy days, in the 40s, recall London. It makes one want to pull down a long Dickens or Trollope novel, pour a Guinness Stout and throw some coal on the fire.
We’re in frost-heave season. That reminds me to write that mixing regular asphalt with crumb rubber made from recycled tires both reduces frost heaves –and thus the expense of road repair – and cuts road noise. It also increases skid resistance. Perfect for New England.