Rude, or just direct?

Elizabeth Bishop in 1964

Elizabeth Bishop in 1964

“I think almost the last straw here though is the hairdresser, a nice big hearty Maine girl who asks me questions I don’t even know the answers to. She told me: 1, that my hair ‘don’t feel like hair at all.’ 2, I was turning gray practically ‘under her eyes.’ And when I’d said yes, I was an orphan, she said ‘Kind of awful, ain’t it, ploughing through life alone.’ So now I can’t walk downstairs in the morning or upstairs at night without feeling like I’m ploughing. There’s no place like New England.”

— Elizabeth Bishop (1911-1979, famed poet), in Words in Air: The Complete Correspondence Between Elizabeth Bishop and Robert Lowell (another famed poet)

Elizabeth Bishop


'Fragmented realism'


Can ruin your beach day