Looking at Brazil and the Southern Cone after a wild year
Over Brazil's Amazonia.
March 14, 2017
To members and friends of the Providence Committee on Foreign Relations (thepcfr.org; pcfremail@gmail.com).
Distinguished Brazilian political economistand commentator Evodio Kaltenecker (whom some of you may remember from a few years ago) willspeak on Thursday, March 16, about the challenges and opportunities facing that huge nation (the world's fifth biggest, both in population and area) as well as conditions in South America’s Southern Cone – Uruguay, Argentina and Chile.
Brazil, of course, has had a difficult time in the past couple of years, with economic depression, political upheaval, Zika and a fraught Olympics.
The official title of Mr. Kaltenecker's talk:
"Brazil: 2018 and beyond and the pro-market wave in Latin America''.