New England Diary

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Go figure

“Butterfly on a Happy Trail ‘‘ (oil on panel and underwear), by Nicolas Papa, in the group show “Figuring the Body,’’ at Kingston Gallery, Boston, July 3-Aug. 11. The jurors in the show described it as defining the body and body politics in a time of political polarization to “foster important conversations around issues ranging from racism and exploitation, body image, gender identity and gender stereotyping, trauma and memory, and the body as a cellular structure as well as an energetic one.’’


Re: Figuring the Body is a group exhibition showcasing New England artists who are actively defining the body and body politics in a time of political polarization. Kingston Gallery members and exhibition jurors Conny Goelz-SchmittMary LangNat MartinAnn Wessmann and Chantal Zakari selected works by twenty artists that foster important conversations around issues ranging from racism and exploitation, body image, gender identity and gender stereotyping, trauma and memory, and the body as a cellular structure as well as an energetic one. The installation of this curated collection in all three spaces of Kingston Gallery creates an opportunity for pairings and juxtapositions that bring a greater nuance to the discourse. The works are topical, poignant, and sometimes humorous.