New England Diary

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Coxswains and contempt in crew

A coxswain (far right), sitting in the stern, facing the rowers, at the Head of the Charles Regatta, an annual event.

β€œIn crew, contempt is important. In Boston, Boston University and Northeastern crew are treated with contempt by the college {Harvard} up the {Charles} river. Intramural crew is treated with contempt. Nonathletic coxswains (Chinese engineering majors, poets) are treated with contempt. A true coxswain is a diminutive jock, raging against the pint size that made him the butt of so many jokes at prep school. He runs twenty stadiums a day, his girlfriend is six feet one, and he can scream orders even when he has the flu (which he catches at least three times a winter).”

― Lisa Birnbach, in The Official Preppy Handbook