Slow-cooked art oped Feb 28 Written By Robert Whitcomb "Standard and Microwave'' (assemblage), by CAROL McMAHON (photo credit: Stewart Clements), in the "Un-Mapping the Air'' show at 83 Spring venue, Watertown, Mass., through April 10. "Un-Mapping the Air'83 SpringCAROL McMAHON Robert Whitcomb
Slow-cooked art oped Feb 28 Written By Robert Whitcomb "Standard and Microwave'' (assemblage), by CAROL McMAHON (photo credit: Stewart Clements), in the "Un-Mapping the Air'' show at 83 Spring venue, Watertown, Mass., through April 10. "Un-Mapping the Air'83 SpringCAROL McMAHON Robert Whitcomb