To be rearranged by global warming
“A Chatham {Mass.) View” (archival pigment print), by Bobby Baker.
© Bobby Baker Fine Art
That's that
“Fall Fell” (Sandwich, Mass.) (aluminarte print), by Bobby Baker. Copyright Bobby Baker Fine Art.
Before the storm?
“Morning Calm #2 (30 x 20 limited edition AluminaArte print) taken in Harwich, on Cape Cod, by Bobby Baker. Copyright Bobby Baker Fine Art.
Hope in black and white
“Outside The Light,’’ in Watch Hill, R.I., by Bobby Baker. Copyright Bobby Baker Fine Art.
So drink more coffee
View of Providence from College Hill.
”If months were marked by colors, November in New England would be colored gray. ‘‘
— Madeleine M. Kunin, former diplomat and ex-Vermont governor, as well as writer.
Late October on Town Neck Beach, Sandwich, Cape Cod, by Bobby Baker (copyright Bobby Baker Fine Art).
After the storm in Sandwich
"Not In Kansas Anymore'' (aluminarte print), by Bobby Baker
Comment by Mr. Baker:
"A January storm took its fury out on the Sandwich (on Cape Cod) boardwalk. To the left of this image is a pile of twisted wood, rope, grasses, and whatever - all that is left of the end of this boardwalk. While walking Town Neck Beach on a recent winter day, I looked up at the open end of the devastated boardwalk, and saw someone approach the fall off. I quickly captured my shot, and just as quickly the subjects disappeared - stunned and sad at what they saw, they must have fled to the safety of solid ground. ''
Pocasset plant life
"Grass in Little Bay, Pocasset, Cape Cod'' (limited edition aluminarte metal print), by Bobby Baker.
-- Copyright Bobby Baker Fine Art Photography
Cat boat at rest
"Pocasset (Mass.) Sunday'' (metal print), by Bobby Baker. Copyright Bobby Baker Fine Art Photography.
Aerial aquaculture
"Rock Harbor Gray'' (Orleans, Mass.) from ''Rock Harbor Clam Trees'' collection, by Bobby Baker. Copyright Bobby Baker Photography.
'When in the course of human events...'
Bobby Baker is a Massachusetts-based photographer many of whose photos have appeared in this site and its predecessor, "This New England''.