Good reason to drive with windows open
Quotes from Cambridge, Mass.-based Tom Magliozzi (1937-2014).
He and his brother Ray Magliozzi (1949) were the co-hosts of NPR's weekly radio show Car Talk, where they were known as "Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers".
“If money can fix it, it’s not a problem.’’
"Some guy I met said it's amazing how we use cars on our show as an excuse to discuss everything in the world—energy, psychology, behavior, love, money, economics and finance. The cars themselves are boring as hell."
“It is better to travel in hope than arrive in despair.”
"If it falls off, it doesn't matter.”
"I like to drive with the windows open. I mean, before you know it, you're going to spend plenty of time sealed up in a box anyway, right?”
So get to it!
At top, “Dewey, Cheetham & Howe,” the gag name for Car Talk’s headquarters in Harvard Square.
“You will never have more energy or enthusiasm or brain cells than you have today.’’
— Ray Magliozzi (born 1949), who, with his brother Tom (1937-2014), hosted the very popular Car Talk series on NPR.
Barely surviving the MIT miasma
Harvard Square offices of "Dewey, Cheetham and Howe", headquarters of Car Talk
— Photo by Patricia Drury
“Boy, I hated MIT. I worked my butt off for four long years. The only thing that saved my sanity was the 5:15 Club, named, I guess, for the guys who didn’t live on campus and took the 5:15 train back home. Yeah, right, 5:15, my tush! I never got home before midnight!
— Tom Magliozzi (1937-2014), co-host, with his brother and fellow mechanic Ray (born 1949), of the long-running (1987-2012) NPR series Car Talk. Some NPR stations continue to broadcast reruns of some episodes. The brothers grew up in East Cambridge, very close to MIT, from which they both graduated.
Tom Magliozzi