Roman royalty
“Sofia Loren, Rome, 1954” (silver print) by George Daniell (1911-2002), in group show at the Maine Museum of Photographic Arts, in Portland, through Jan. 31. The photographer and painter was a resident of Trenton, Maine, near Bar Harbor, from 1960 to his death.
The features the work of 26 photographers, including Ansel Adams, George Daniel, and Linda Connor and aims, the museum says, to explore "the themes of portraits, still life, interiors, sea scapes, landscapes and collage.’’
The Trenton Lighthouse, in Trenton, Maine, is not a lighthouse but a business building, now containing a restaurant, The Beacon.
— Photo by Billy Hathorn
The four-masted schooner Margaret Todd; Bald Porcupine Island is beyond the pier and the Bar Harbor Inn is to the right.
— Photo by NewTestLeper79
On Monhegan
"Untitled'' (gelatin silver print, 1936), by GEORGE DANIELL, in the show " Picturing Monhegan Island,'' March 1--Aug. 3, at the Portland Museum of Art. (Picture is a gift of George Daniell and the Aucocisco Gallery, 2001.6.23 © George Daniell Archive, Dwayne and Gina DeJoy.)
The show showcases about 20 photos and drawings that Daniell created on the famous artists' haunt of Monhegan Island, far off the coast of Maine, in the summer of 1936. The stark beauty of the island, and the sadness of Depression-era America, come out in these beautiful pictures.