Two bucks a shell?
“Daily Catch” (oil on board), by Julie Gifford, at Alpers Fine Art, Rockport, Mass. See this book and read this.
Photo of Rockport inner harbor showing what’s left of its lobster fleet and Motif #1 (red building), much beloved by Sunday painters.
Before the water rose higher
“What Was” (oil on canvas), by Cotuit, Mass-based Julie Gifford, at Alpers Fine Art, Andover, Mass. She writes:
“I’m interested in celebrating the spirit of land, sea and sky and the resilience of the creatures who inhabit it. When painting, I’m working on an internal script…a bit of prose which reveals itself through marks on canvas – a personal conversation that comes from within and becomes clear only upon completion.’’
Cahoon Museum of American Art, in Cotuit