The ‘meaning of weight’
From Massachusetts-based arist Kledia Spiro’s show “Drawing in Air,’’ at Kingston Gallery, Boston, through Jan. 28.
The gallery says:
“Kledia Spiro’s solo exhibition ‘Drawing in Air’ delves into the fascinating interplay of weight, legacy, and the human experience.
”Over the last decade, {Albanian-born} Spiro has embarked on a quest to understand the meaning of ‘weight’ in people's lives. Spiro's project blurs the lines between information design and art, using drawings to create data for music production. In the gallery, Spiro will physically paint signature light drawings in mid-air. Spiro has collaborated with two diverse musicians, Lianna Sylvan and Kevin Baldwin, to translate her light drawings into a captivating music composition. Using sensors placed throughout the exhibition, each drawing triggers a unique sound experience for the visitor.’’
Of time, immigration and home
Photo composition by Kledia Spiro in her solo exhibition “Too (un)Familiar? ‘‘ through May 2 at Kingston Gallery, Boston. The gallery says she “creates a multimedia experience combining photography, video performance, augmented reality, and installation that challenges ideas surrounding immigration, the sense of home, and the passage of time. Using the Wachusett Reservoir in Sterling, Mass., as her home ground and starting point, Spiro has photographed this same location over the last 12 months. She contrasts this to her life as an immigrant {she is a native of Albania}, stating: ‘Nature seems to have a self-cleaning mechanism, its own method of repurposing and recycling. When you’re an immigrant, you only know repurposing and recycling. There is no self-cleaning mechanism in immigrant homes. Everything is precious because you don't know when you may lose it again, even if just subconsciously.…Over time, every memory becomes fragmented, like a distant dream.”’
Wachusett Reservoir, after the Quabbin Reservoir, the second-largest body of fresh water in Massachusetts