‘Comfort without answers’
“Here Yet,’’ by Lynda Schlosberg, in her show “Somewhere in Between,’ at Kingston Gallery, Boston, through Sept. 29.
The gallery says:
“The paintings in ‘Somewhere in Between’ span the last three years of an ever-shifting existence. Floating in a state of limbo somewhere between life and death, between here and there, between then and now and what is yet to be. Traversing wandering threads of individual and connected lives as they pass through time and space. Exploring uncertainty of the unknown and seeking comfort without answers.’’
Basis of oneness
"Frequencies Rising'' (acrylic on panel), by LYNDA SCHLOSBERG, in her show "Lynda Schlosberg: Zero Point Field,'' at Kingston Gallery, Boston, through July 11.
She says that in these paintings she mediates on the idea that nothing ever dies and that everything is connected through a never-ending unified field of energy.