Resilient nature
From Linda Klein’s show “Nature Defiant,’’ at Bromfield Gallery, Boston, Sept. 4-27. She explains:
“The content of this exhibit continues the direction I began in my 2004 exhibit, ‘Excess,’ about which I wrote, ‘My paintings and drawings came out of a conscious awareness of my anxiety about where we are going in our world.’
“Unlike the anxiety that I expressed in that exhibit, this work is devoted to celebrating the resilience of nature and enacting nature’s desire to assert itself through forms that derive from nature itself and flourish in the human imagination as it creates the forms of things unknown. When I began this process, many months ago, no one could have predicted the pandemic that has caused us all to pause. I too sometimes forget that we share this world with many life forms, unseen or ignored, until they assert themselves and demand my attention.’’
Soothing or spooky?
"Dreaming'' (oil and fabric), by Linda Klein, in her show "Family Matters,'' paintings based on her old drawings of children, at Bromfield Gallery, Boston, Feb. 28-April 1.