Proud of their maze; more knowledge for the knowledgeable?
Already a maze in 1775.
Near Boston City Hall after the Blizzard of ‘78,
”Rich with historical facts
Where the city is a maze
And the snow get stacked.
”Yeah, we got hit
And we felt the impact
But we respond first
And yes, we bounce back.’’
— From the 2013 song “Boston Strong,” by Mr. Lif (born 1977), written in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombing, which happened on April 15, 2013.
“The Boston people were willing to learn, but only if one recognized how much they knew already.”
— Van Wyck Brooks (1886-1963), American literary critic, historian and biographer
'We are always on the rise'
Examples of all MBTA services except for trolleybuses, including MBTA boat.
— Photo by Cran32
“We are Dorchester, Mattapan, Brighton and Allston
Roxbury, JP
Represent Boston
Orange line, Red line, Green line, Blue
Silver line
These are all parts of our commute
”Route 128 to Mass Pike at night
Might help me clear my mind
With the future in sight
”In this great place for me to grow and be embraced
By some hard-working people who won't compromise taste
“We're not LA
And we are not New York
We've got our own thing of the quite unusual sort
That's why I'm proud
I rep for my town
We are always on the rise
And you ain't keeping us down.’’
From the song “Boston Strong,’’ by hip-hop artist Jeffrey Haynes (born 1977), better known as Mr Tif. The song was written in 2013, after the Boston Marathon Bombing, on April 15 that year.