Off season
“At Noon,’’ by Niva Shrestha, in her show “Place,’’ at Galatea Fine Art, Boston, July 2-Aug. 1
She tells the gallery:
"Architecture has been the main subject in my work for the last nine years. From windows to rooftops, stairs to poles; every line and shape are intertwined creating movements and stillness. Thus, I paint with the inspiration from these places where wonderful and playful compositions are naturally formed. ‘‘
Early morning gull
See and galateafineartcom
“Lobster Co-Op in Stonington {Maine} ‘‘ (oil) , by Niva Shrestha in Galatea Fine Art’s online gallery. This text ran with it:
“The first sound one hears is the gull calling the morning. It has been a long work day, and it seemingly was never over. The dawn calls to duty, to awaken todoing-ness, sleep and rest a dim memory. But the day is a blessing, a legacy to generations past and future.’’
Inn a 'dreamlike atmosphere'
“Inn on the Harbor’’ (oil painting), by Niva Shrestha, of Arlington, Mass., as seen at Galatea Fine Art’s (Boston) online gallery. Galatea says the painting “has a humorous, almost carnival-like quality to it. The buildings seem to stand alone in a sun-washed, dream-like atmosphere. The artist plays with shadows and light; the buildings are treated as if they were pure form, and the deliberate juxtaposition of these angular forms create a Mondrian-like sensibility.’’
Good place to work at low tide
"A Little Shed at Dusk'' (oil on panel), by Niva Shrestha, in her show "Townscape,'' at Galatea Fine Art, Boston, May 3-28.