Homogeneous spirit
Above the tree line on the Presidential Range
— Photo by Fredlyfish4
“Though the landscape of New England presents the sharpest of contrasts, from gentle meadow and forest land to the rugged 5,000-foot peaks of the Presidential Range in New Hampshire, there is a kind of homogeneity about the whole that is a matter of spirit rather than of the land itself. If you love New England some inner sense will tell you when you are there.’’
— Stewart Beach (1900-1979) in New England in Color
A Nutting case
New Hampshire’s Presidential Range
On the short New Hampshire coast at North Hampton
“From sea beach to mountain top all beautiful! Who does not know her fame for wealth, rest and joy! Her head is in the snows and her feet on the ocean marge. She reaches her hands to the weary children of men. With her is the delight that does not stale.’’
Wallace Nutting, in New Hampshire Beautiful (1923)