Now we can all be narcissists
“Selfie, Downtown Crossing (Boston),’’ by Russell duPont, famed New England artist. Hit this link and this link for more excitement.
The woods are 'lovely, dark and deep'
"Birches, Maine,'' by Russell duPont in his show "A Sense of Place: Photographs by Russell duPont,'' through October, at the Whitman (Mass.) Public Library. Mr. duPont has also just published a coming-of-age novel, King & Train, that is available on Amazon.
Looks like the quintessence of late November
"Morning Fog, Land's End'' (on the coast of Hingham, Mass.) by Russell duPont. Copyright Russ duPont Photographs.
I have long felt that Russell duPont is one of the greatest photographers in the history of New England -- Robert Whitcomb
Where it's Arbor Day everyday; Kennedy on Chappy
“Path, Arnold Arboretum” (photo), by RUSSELL duPONT, in the show "Artists in the Arboretum,'' at the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, 125 Arborway, Boston, Sept. 17-Oct. 18.
Arboretums can be magical. We just toured the exquisite and unexpected Mytoi Japanese Garden on Chappaquiddick Island, part of Martha's Vineyard. Very, very soothing. Everything was perfect except that otters had eaten all the gold fish in the lily-padded pond.
Then we took on the ugly, as we traced the routes that the late Sen. Edward Kennedy took in his drinking, driving and other activities on the night of July 18, 1969 that resulted in the death of Mary Jo Kopechne when Mr. Kennedy drove a car off a bridge into the water.
None of excuses/explanations he gave were plausible but local authorities were in the pocket of the Kennedys so he avoided a vehicular-manslaughter charge and proceeded with his political career. But the accident may well have prevented him from becoming president.
-- Robert Whitcomb
Lovely, dark and deep
"Birches,'' by RUSSELL DUPONT, in his show "A Sense of Place: Photographs by Russell duPont,'' at the James Library and Center for the Arts, Norwell, Mass., Sept. 5-Sept. 30.
Norwell is a Boston suburb, a community with a strong sense of being on a river (the marshy North River) and the burial site of John Cheever, who, although he spent most of his life in New York City and Westchester County, wrote hauntingly about the South Shore towns where he grew up and whose physical beauty he cited.
I'd guess that many people readers remember this closing of Robert Frost poem "Birches'':