How many will board these new and long-delayed trains?
Adapted from Robert Whitcomb’s “Digital Diary,’’ in
Will the return, after many decades, of passenger rail service between Boston, Fall River and New Bedford and intermediate spots late this year be a big boost to the long economically challenged old mill towns? Both Fall River and New Bedford are often lumped together, though they’re different in many ways, especially in that New Bedford is a big fishing port and the former whaling capital, as well as an arts center, and hilly Fall River is more physically dramatic.
Commuter service could enable some folks who otherwise would be stuck trying to find “affordable” housing in pricey Greater Boston to find much cheaper digs in those cities and, we hope, add new economic and other energy to urban parts of the South Coast in general. Could it even lure more than a few Boston area businesses to set up shop there?
The current MBTA plan for South Coast Rail calls for three morning peak commuting trains and three late-in-the day peak commuting trains to both New Bedford and Fall River. The trips from the cities to South Station in Boston are projected to take about 90 minutes, which could sometimes be faster than driving. The service will mean six morning and evening trains to Taunton and Middleboro; all the trains will make those stops. During off-peak periods, trains will run every 3 to 3½ hours.
Frequency, reliability and marketing are key to winning over enough drivers to mass transit. I’m not sure that the planned schedules would be frequent enough. Yes, taxpayers will heavily subsidize the service -- as they do the highways. The train service, if it’s promoted enough, might, over the years, gradually lighten traffic on those roads a bit.
South Coast Rail will expand 'Greater Boston'
It’s hard to believe, but this is where the Fall River train station will be built.
Adapted from Robert Whitcomb’s “Digital Diary,’’ in
The best news for southeastern New England in a long while comes from Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker, who, fulfilling a campaign promise, is dedicating more than $1 billion in state bond revenue to the long-delayed extension of MBTA service to Fall River, New Bedford and Taunton. The plan is to have the project, called South Coast Rail, completed by late 2023. Taunton, Fall River and New Bedford are the only Massachusetts cities within 50 miles of Boston that don’t have commuter rail access to Boston.
The extension will make it easier for southeastern Massachusetts and eastern Rhode Island to share in the wealth and economic development of Greater Boston while making southeastern Massachusetts’s housing, whose costs are generally much lower than Boston’s and its suburbs’, more accessible to commuters. (And Rhode Islanders in Tiverton, Little Compton, on Aquidneck Island and Bristol may find it easier to take the train to Boston from Fall River than from Providence.)
In the long run, South Coast Rail will help make southeastern New England more prosperous, help restrain traffic congestion and reduce car traffic’s strain on the environment.
In any case, much needs to be done to get more people off the roads. Consider that a MassINC Polling Group recent survey of 1,200 Bay State registered voters found that 67 percent say that they’ve left work earlier or later to avoid Greater Boston’s traffic crush. Sixty-three percent describe themselves as angry /frustrated about the delays on the roads and the MBTA. The pollsters found:
"Among those with commutes longer than 45 minutes, about half (51%) have thought about changing jobs; 30% have considered leaving their area altogether.’’ The booming Metro Boston economy, fueled by technology, health care, finance and higher education, has kept the jobless rate low (latest: 3 percent) but eventually traffic congestion might cause many to leave the area. The best answer is more and better commuter rail service.
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Pressing on with South Coast Rail
By JOYCE ROWLEY, for ecoRI News
“We're forging ahead,” Jean Fox, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority's project manager, told the South Coast Rail Task Force at its Feb. 25 meeting, when questioned whether the change in administration would affect the South Coast Rail. “We’ve got our marching orders and we’ve not been told otherwise.”
The 20-year-old South Coast Rail (SCR), now in its preliminary design stage, has chugged along despite a protracted planning and environmental review. Last summer, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (#mbta) awarded a $12 million preliminary design contract to the engineering firm Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, with an option for a $210 million 10-year final design and construction contract.
“It’s pretty exciting. The goal was to get approximately 15 percent design completed by June 30, 2015,” Fox said. “We’re on target for #most tasks.”
In January 2014, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued a final environmental impact statement for an electric train line that will extend the existing MBTA Stoughton commuter rail line. Passing through the 2,000-acre Hockomock Swamp on an abandoned rail bed to #taunton, the new branch will split in Berkley. The main line will connect to New Bedford on existing freight tracks, and a branch will continue to Fall River.
But record snowfall beginning with the first storm on Jan. 26-27 left the T demobilized throughout Greater Boston, leaving some at the meeting questioning the viability of the project.
“Is the state thinking of spending $3 billion on a new line when the T hasn’t worked well for a month?” asked Kyla Bennett, director of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility.
Fox said that $2.3 billion was allocated in the state transportation bond last year to build the SCR. Fox said they would be meeting with Gov. Charlie Baker’s administration about the project soon.
“Our goal is to sit down with them and see where we fit in," Fox said. “It’s a transportation priority and has been for several years. We can show a cost-benefit analysis of the transportation, environmental and economic development potential for the project.”
Blame for the T’s winter problems has been laid at the 9 feet of snow that incapacitated commuter lines to Worcester, Springfield, Lakeville and Stoughton; at the use of T parking lots by residents who had to stay off the streets during parking bans which then left T commuters with no place to park; on outdated equipment on some lines that couldn’t make it through deep snow.
Now, over a month later, all commuter rail lines are still on revised schedules. It remains to be seen whether promises to get the entire system in order by March 30 can be met.
In a interview with ecoRI News later, Bennett questioned the allocated amount of funding, as well as the wisdom of spending billions of dollars on a rail line that may not be used.
“I think the $2.3 billion is a vast underestimate,” she said. “Public records requests to get the most recent cost estimate were denied.”
Her group won on appeal to the state, but then only received the estimate with minor modifications. The estimate hasn’t changed much since the 2011 draft, Bennett said.
“I don’t know how much it will cost to fix the T, let alone what it will cost to do both,” she said. “The reason this matters is because if it is more, then that’s even more that we won’t put into fixing existing infrastructure.”
Transportation justice SCR Task Force Chairwoman Susan Teal disagrees. The Rochester resident said both maintenance of the existing lines and development of the new branch are needed.
“There's plenty of money for both,” Teal said at the recent meeting.
All other major cities in Massachusetts tie into Boston via rail, except Taunton, New Bedford and Fall River. All three are “Gateway Cities” and all three have consistently pushed for the connection.
Most proponents of the rail expect it will make a connection to Boston and jobs, but will also help draw businesses to the region. In fact, regional planning agencies the Southeast Regional Planning and Economic Development District, Metropolitan Area Planning Council and the Old Colony Regional Planning Council show anticipated growth in surrounding communities.
“Just look north to Lowell to see what rail does for a community,” Fox said. “It brings in higher-paying high-skilled jobs and builds new housing stock.”
Nearly $2 million in technical assistance grants to 31 communities over the past seven years has promoted the SCR’s “Smart Growth” planning efforts to mitigate potential impacts in advance. In fiscal 2015, the MBTA spent $353,830 on technical assistance to communities under SCR’s program.
Smart growth is a buzz-phrase for planning to minimize sprawl and reduce vehicle trips, and resulting greenhouse-gas emissions. It includes building transit-oriented development that reduces the need for additional highway infrastructure.
“Smart growth has been impactful and productive,” Fox said.
Bennett questioned the anticipated greenhouse gas-reduction benefits that the SCR may create. Instead, she said the money would be better spent creating jobs in the three targeted cities so people could work where they live.
“People are going to pay $500 to $600 per month to travel four hours on a train for what jobs in Boston?” Bennett said later. “Taking cars off the highway even if there is ridership won’t necessarily make a difference. Cars backfill in the highway when people realize there’s more room.”
Next month, the MBTA will begin construction of independent utilities, including grade crossings and a rail bridge at Wamsutta Street that will serve active freight. These components of the project need to be built even if the SCR isn't completed, according to Fox.