Looking at science and personal story
“War in Heaven” (oil and ink on wood panel), by Boston-based artist Steve Sangapore, in his joint show “Phantasm’’ with Ponnapa Prakkamakul, at Fountain Street Gallery, Boston, through May 2
Mr. Sangapore tells the gallery:
“The superposition oil and ink painting series explores the implications of this idea by splitting the canvas into two halves. On one side of the panel there is the world as we perceive it, which is rendered using oil paint. The delivery is familiar, defined and full of color and emotion. On the other, I employ spontaneous line work in black and white, illustrating the unintuitive, non-locality of the quantum world.
”My aim was to have two visually contrasting approaches for how each of the painting halves were represented. The physical execution of representing a single subject using both abstract line-work and objective realism creates a strong dichotomy for the series. The contrast of the two approaches invites the viewer into a conversation between the two vastly different ideas of how nature works and is experienced.
“The particular subjects chosen for this split-panel execution add an additional dimension to the work. Each piece depicts significant people, places and events in my life. From the Belgian landscape to narratives about loss, each installment to the series is a marriage of my interest in science with personal story and narrative.’’
What we see and don't see
“Collapse: Of the Self ‘‘ (oil and ink on wood panel), by Steve Sangapore, as part of a group show with Lydia Kinney and Casey Stanberrry from Jan. 30 through Feb. 24 at Fountain Street Gallery’s Annex, Boston.
Mr. Sangapore's works address the idea that consciousness creates the universe. His pieces are split down the middle, with one side showing what we perceive, and the other the quantum world that we can't see