‘If I can find it’
Ralph E. Flanders
“I’m a New Englander and most of us are pack rats. We save everything, old bedsprings, empty cartons, clothing that went out of style fifty years ago, and trunks full of papers. Every once in a while it’s worth it if I can find what I’ll looking for.’’
— Ralph E. Flanders (1880-1970), U.S. senator from Vermont (1946-1959), mechanical engineer, industrialist. and writer. A Republican, he helped put an end to the career of the demagogic liar Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R.-Wis.) His base was Springfield, Vt.
Black River Falls, in Springfield, Vt., about 1910
Except in March
Vermontasaurus sculpture in Post Mills, Vt., in 2010
— Photo by HopsonRoad
‘‘Vermont, Designed by the Creator for the Playground of Continent.’’
— The Green Mountain State’s first state-sponsored tourist brochure (1911)