NED chats weekly on WADK's 'Talk of the Town'
On most Thursdays at 9:30 a.m., Robert Whitcomb from New England Diary and will chat with Bruce Newbury on Mr. Newbury’s Talk of the Town show on WADK-A.M. (Newport).
Listen to it via broadcast or
“The Fireside Chat,’’ bronze sculpture by George Segal in Room Two of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, Washington, D.C.. FDR ‘s fireside chats via radio were very popular among millions of Americans.
Glorious radio from 1941.
New England Diary on WADK
New England Diary's overseer, Robert Whitcomb, will be chatting with Bruce Newbury on most Fridays at 9:30 A.M. on WADK, at 1540-AM. We'll review the week and God knows what else that might come up. Besides via the broadcast version, you can hear the conversation at
We're on WADK
The overseer of this site, Robert Whitcomb, chats every Tuesday morning at 9:30 with Bruce Newbury on the latter's "Talk of the Town'' show on WADK, 15:40 A.M, in the Rhode Island market. The conversation can also be heard from anywhere on
New England Diary on WADK
The overseer of, Robert Whitcomb, regularly talks with his friend Bruce Newbury on Mr. Newbury's show, Talk of the Town, at 1540 A.M. at 9:30 to 10 in the morning Tuesdays (if you're in Rhode Island) and on podcasts on for anyone, anywhere, anytime. Sometimes they yak on other mornings, too, about the news -- mostly local but sometimes extending beyond the Earth.
From Gordon Fox to the dwarf planet Ceres....
5 good things about the storm
As host Bruce Newbury and I were discussing on his "Talk of the Town'' show this morning on WADK, (1540 A.M.), today's big snow has some advantages: 1. It's beautiful to look at, if outstandingly inconvenient.
2. It forces the cancellation of meetings -- generally a happy thing.
3. It forces an inactivity that leads to useful reflection.
4. It helps ensure that our region will have plenty of fresh water.
5. It encourages National Grid, et al., to prune trees whose boughs might snap onto power lines, thus reducing that threat before hurricane season comes.
-- Robert Whitcomb
Waterfront casino in Newport?
I wish my friend Bruce Newberry and I had known about the sale of the Newport Yachting Center to developers. We could have talked about it this morning on his "Talk of the Town'' show on WADK (1540 A.M.). Would the new owners like to put a nice, quiet casino there?
The Yatchting Center has been plagued with complaints about noise from concerts and other events there. Perhaps obsessive-compulsive gamblers would be better neighbors. They, after all, have to concentrate.