Closed-in comfort
“The wind washes the fog away
Today it’s not my friend
Rather I enjoyed the closeness
Confined to near-sighted news….’’
— From “Interior Clarity,’’ by Rachel Maher (a North Bennington, Vt.-based poet and elementary school official.
The village of North Bennington, Vt.
— Photo by Mark Barry
July a foggy month along the coast
''July can be the foggiest time of the year, as residents of the New England coastal areas know well. Many summer vacationers, attracted by the refreshing coolness of the ocean breezes, complain when sea fog obscures the sun and spoils a beach day for sun-bathing and swimming. {That's because} in July the greatest contrasts exists between the relatively cool ocean waters and the hot air masses from the continent.''
From The Country Journal New England Weather Book, by David Ludlum
Early-morning blanket
A wonderful warm fog was being swept up the street from Narragansett Bay early this morning. The light from the street lights refracted through this ground cloud was gorgeous. Dawn is the best, cleanest time of the day, before the clutter of the day's obligations and usually worthless distractions. Don't let the "urgent'' become the enemy of the important....
-- Robert Whitcomb