An ‘eerily prescient’ show
“Deeper Than You Imagined” (wood and paint), by Sachiko Akiyama, in the group show “Being and Feeling (Alone, Together),’’ on view online at Phillips Exeter (N.H.) Academy’s Lamont Gallery through July 31.
Lamont Gallery Director and Curator Lauren O'Neal said: "It was impossible to know that when this exhibition was finally realized, that it would become eerily prescient, that it would forecast a felt and lived experience, rather than merely a curatorial one."
The artwork on view encompasses a wide variety of media, including painting, sculpture, photography, visual and audio performances.
The gallery says: “While we all hope to soon be physically together with others without fear, ‘Being & Feeling (Alone, Together)’ provides us with cathartic emotional release, instilling hope and appreciation for our humanity even at the worst of times. To check out “Being & Feeling (Alone, Together),’’ visit