At the PCFR: What's next in the long Venezuela crisis?
Political protest in Altamira, Venezuela
From The Providence Committee on Foreign Relations (;
Our next speaker, for our Wednesday, Oct. 23, dinner, will be Patrick Duddy, formerly the U.S. ambassador to Venezuela, under the title “Venezuela: A Regional Crisis With No End in Sight.’’ (He'll use PowerPoint.)
New England, by the way, buys a lot of oil from Venezuela for winter heating.
Mr. Duddy, currently director of Duke University’s center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, served as American ambassador to Venezuela in 2007-2008, during the George W. Bush administration.
The late President Hugo Chavez expelled him but eight months later he returned as ambassador in the Obama administration. He finished that assignment in 2010.
Before his ambassadorships, Mr. Duddy served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State (DAS) for the Western Hemisphere, responsible for the Office of Economic Policy and Summit Coordination, which included the hemispheric energy portfolio, as well for the Offices of Brazil/ Southern Cone Affairs and of Caribbean Affairs. During his tenure as DAS, he played a lead role in coordinating U.S. support for the restoration of democracy in Haiti.
Our venue is the Hope Club, at 6 Benevolent St., Providence. Members may bring guests.
Schedule: 6:00 - 6:30 PM -- Cocktails; 6:30 - 7:30 -- Dinner (salad, entree, dessert/coffee); 7:30 - 8:10ish – speaker, followed by Q&A with speaker. Evenings end no later than 9.
Please let us know if you're coming. You can register for the dinner on our Web site -- -- or send an email to
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