Perfect for a year of Groundhog Days Aug 2 Written By RWhitcomb-editor Work by Amy Kaczur in the group show “Repeat As Needed ,’’ at Kingston Gallery, Boston, through Aug. 23. The gallery says the show “presents questions explored through repetition. Each artist uses forms of reiteration to seek emergent variations that invite interpretation. Patterns, layering, movement, perspective, mark making, and color offer innovative visual solutions and the continued possibility of discovery.’’See: BostonKingston GalleryAmy Kaczur' RWhitcomb-editor
Perfect for a year of Groundhog Days Aug 2 Written By RWhitcomb-editor Work by Amy Kaczur in the group show “Repeat As Needed ,’’ at Kingston Gallery, Boston, through Aug. 23. The gallery says the show “presents questions explored through repetition. Each artist uses forms of reiteration to seek emergent variations that invite interpretation. Patterns, layering, movement, perspective, mark making, and color offer innovative visual solutions and the continued possibility of discovery.’’See: BostonKingston GalleryAmy Kaczur' RWhitcomb-editor