Heart-stopping pleasure


"New England clam chowder, made as it should be, is a dish to preach about, to chant praises and sing hymns and burn incense before. [...] It is as American as the Stars and Stripes, as patriotic as the National Anthem. It is Yankee Doodle in a kettle.''

-- Joseph C. Lincoln (1870-1944), an American fiction writer much of whose work is set on Cape Cod.

New England clam chowder, sometimes called Boston Clam Chowder in the Midwest, is a milk- or cream-based chowder, usually  thicker than other regional styles of clam chowder. It is usually made with potatoes, onion and clams.

New England clam chowder is often accompanied by oyster crackers, a real salt fest.

From the Wikipedia page on Mr. Lincoln:

"Lincoln was born in Brewster, Mass., on Cape Cod, and his mother moved the family to Chelsea, Mass., a manufacturing city outside Boston, after the death of his father. Lincoln's literary career celebrating 'old Cape Cod' can partly be seen as an attempt to return to an Eden from which he had been driven by family tragedy. His literary portrayal of Cape Cod can also be understood as a pre-modern haven occupied by individuals of old Yankee stock which was offered to readers as an antidote to an America that was undergoing rapid modernization, urbanization, immigration and industrialization.''




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