Barbara Groh

'A primal presence'

Half Tree” (oil on canvas), by Barbara Groh, at Gallery Sitka, Newport, R.I.

She says in her artist statement:

“My visual inspiration began early with Abstract Expressionism. As I am primarily an abstract artist, I aspire to have my work affect others as I have been by provoking thought, emotional experiences, moods, and aesthetic pleasure.

“Landscape is a primal presence for me. I explore by walking in diverse environments and return to the studio to transform my experiences into physical being. These inspirations can happen just outside my studio door or in distant lands with unfamiliar landscapes and cultures.

“My paintings in oil, acrylic, or cold wax may reflect a quiet practice of noticing inner space, peace, and presence, while others may reflect a desire and will to express freedom and unencumbered thought. Both encompass the moment and the past – a synthesis of physicality, perception, meditation, and inner movement.’’

Founders Hall at the U.S. Naval War College, in Newport.